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Spreading Peace One Relationship at a Time
Sacred space is a critical component of all successful relationships. If you are to stay in love and in true contact with your mate, you must spend time with them and share times where they have your total attention. It requires exchanges full of pleasure and shared appreciation to maintain that sense of closeness that supports an understanding that you are partners, that you’re on the same side. You need to know through the actual experience of union that you want the same things if you are to truly seek mutual solutions. It is not enough to know this in your mind...

There is a Zen saying: “Meditate for an hour each day unless you are busy. In that case, meditate for two hours.” Time spent in your sacred space has the same result. Make sure that you do this often and with regularity, and that you protect the time and space of practicing this together. Some helpful actions are...

Book Report - We're Really Excited About the Cover
We want to thank you all again for your feedback and help on the cover.We took elements from several of the drafts, and here we are. We would have never ended up with this great cover without all of you!

Now that it's finished, the book release is fast approaching. We will be offering a special deal for our newsletter readers, so if you know anyone else who should be included, cut and paste this link and email it to them. http://www.philandmaude.com/howtwo/
Successful Relationship Reading Corner
In this week's blog article we wrote about maintaining your sacred space. Here are some articles that touch on various aspects of this topic.

Speaking the Love Language of Quality Time "A central aspect of quality time is togetherness. I do not mean proximity. Togetherness has to do with focused attention. A husband who is watching sports on television while he talks to his wife is not giving her quality time, because she does not have his full attention."

Sacred Space at Home This article talks about making a physical location for a sacred space "The notion of creating a “Holy of Holies” in a home—a room of one’s own—came to me while exploring the connection between architecture and spirituality. "

Make time for your partner This article talks about making time when you have children "In this busy, chaotic world of daily activities, tasks and schedules, it is easy to forget that the person you chose to spend your life with is the person who can make your days brighter and the road ahead easier to travel. For most couples, the key to improving your relationship is to make it a priority to spend more time together."

Spreading peace one relationship at a time,
Phil and Maude
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