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Why Sacred Space in a Relationship is Important

One practice that is a major part of how we are together is what we call sacred space – the time when we are together for the purpose of being together. Although every couple has a different way of approaching this, all joyous and nourishing ones have this as an integral and regular part.

What do we mean by the term sacred space? It is not a physical location, although some partners do actually create a space they use for coming together in this way. Sacred space is instead a special way of being with each other. It is a time when you step away from the busyness of your daily life.

We'd Love to Hear From You

We think that sacred space is an important yet under-examined area. We'll be writing further and interviewing couples about it, and we want to explore this topic further with your help. If you'd like to write something, that would be great; just reply to this email newsletter. If you would like to speak about it and have us transcribe it, that works too.

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Successful Relationship Reading Corner

In this week's blog we wrote about sacred space, the time spent focused on each other. This week's links are about that.

The Policy of Undivided Attention "Before you were married, spending time alone with each other was your highest priority. You probably spent the majority of your leisure time together, and the time you spent together was probably the most enjoyable part of every week. But after marriage, like so many other couples, you may find that you can be in the same room together and yet ignore each other emotionally. What's even worse, you may find that you are not even in the same room together very often, particularly after your children arrived."

How to Become the Sacred Couple "In this crazy modern world, being in a relationship with a partner sometimes comes second or third in priority to work, or whatever else is occupying your attention. However, it is possible to maintain a sacred relationship in this modern world of multitasking, but it requires an intentional choice on the part of each person in the relationship."

When Love Is Not Enough: 4 Tips for a Strong Relationship "My husband and I were going through a difficult time a few years ago. It felt like a pivotal time in our relationship. We were not spending any quality time together, nor were we going out together as a couple.... It’s important to set some time aside to just be a couple; spend quality time together regularly, but especially during hard times. This doesn’t need to involve money; just a walk down the park together or along the beach will help. Just taking yourself out of your home environment will be beneficial."

Spreading peace one relationship at a time
Phil and Maude
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