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Spreading Peace One Relationship at a Time
Do you want to have a good relationship? Of course everybody says yes. But do you intend to have a good relationship? What does that even mean? Read more here on our blog.

Often when people think about the issue of acceptance, they think is is about compromise. Compromise is an act of giving up something to get something else. It assumes that there are different sides, and that one must settle in order to avoid conflict. It does not allow for the possibility that a resolution can be found; a resolution where, instead of giving up or changing something, you can create a solution that was not originally imaginable to either person. Read more on our blog post.

Relationship Reading Corner
Book Report
Weekends are when we get most of the work on our new book, "How Two: Have a Successful Relationship", done, and we had a wonderful uninterrupted time this weekend. We finished our 3rd draft and sent it off for copy-editing! Very exciting. We've been looking at cover art as well, trying to decide what feel it should have. Any thoughts?

Spreading peace one relationship at a time,
Phil and Maude

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