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Spreading Peace One Relationship at a Time
How Is a Peaceful Relationship Like Riding a Bicycle?

Having a peaceful relationship is like riding a bicycle. At first, you can’t stay upright; you fall off and argue. But with practice, you get to know what being balanced feels like and what you need to do to maintain it, and pretty soon, you’re riding your bike, and falling off isn’t even an issue anymore. Read why in this week's blog post.

Relationship Reading Corner
Here are some other peoples' ideas on having a peaceful relationship.

How to Have a Peaceful Marriage in a Chaotic World "Ultimately, Inner Peace is not something we create – it is something we tune into. We don’t have to conjure it up or manufacture it."

A Peaceful Relationship or Keeping the Peace? "After we used the ideas stated below for several years we began to see that they were part of our lives and we didn’t have to stop and think about them so often."

5 Rules for Relationship Peace "...the fight itself almost always related to the deeper issues of whether the partners felt understood or valued."
Kit and Kat, our relationship experts, haven't got the hang of riding a bike yet, but they have good advice on having a peaceful relationship. If you haven't seen it yet, watch their video.
Spreading peace one relationship at a time,
Phil and Maude

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