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Recently, we did a podcast interview with William Weil of Conscious Couples Conversations, and one of the important takeaways he got from reading HOW TWO was the issue of belief. He was struck by the point that one of the critical parts of having this experience is that you have to believe it is possible.

And indeed he is correct. In order to have a relationship of this nature, you must allow it to be so, you must believe it exists and that you can have it. This may sound like a very simple thing to do, but unfortunately it isn’t. We have all been so conditioned by the prevailing myths about partnership that we’ve come to believe relationships must have conflict and that it is more important how you handle conflict than creating situations where it does not occur. We say myths because that is exactly what they are. They are mind constructs that can be changed. Alter your perception of the possible and everything can change!

Book Report
Internet Radio Interview
We've done another podcast interview with Bill Weil of Conscious Couples Conversations. We always enjoy talking with Bill, and highly recommend his project. Check it out, leave a comment and support him.

Breaking News: You can listen to our blogs now 
We're really excited to share that we've started adding an audio feed to our blogs, so you can listen to them as well now! We'll be adding a feed on iTunes soon. Right now these audio feeds are only our blog articles, but we will be developing a wide range of podcasts with our unique take on relationships. Stay tuned! We'd really love your feedback, so please leave your comments on the blog.

Successful Relationship Reading Corner
This week's blog is about why you have to believe in a conflict-free relationship to have one. Here are some writings on how belief affects your reality.

What You Believe Is What You See "When things aren't going well in a relationship, we often blame the other person for our experience. We believe that we "choose" the wrong people to hang-out with or date. But guess what? If an experience shows-up time and time again, that means you are carrying it with you! And this is where the power is, because you have control over you."

You See What You Believe "An interesting question is the degree to which your beliefs influence what you are seeing in the moment.  This question was explored by Christos Bechlivanidis and David Lagnado in a fascinating paper in the August, 2013 issue of Psychological Science."

Do Your Beliefs Reflect Reality or Create It? "it should be obvious that you’re capable of interacting with the world through direct action. If you make a decision to do something and then do it, your thoughts are affecting reality through your actions."

Spreading peace one relationship at a time,
Phil and Maude
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