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Celebrate the Many Forms of Love on Valentines Day

Tuesday is Valentines Day; time to speak of love.

MAUDE: Love is often elusive to define, and yet is the underpinning of all that is real. And here we are in the season of celebrating love in all its many forms. Valentine’s day is upon us and with it so many are reflecting on this word, what it is in their lives, its presence or absence, its fulfillment or deprivation.

Love has so many delicious flavors and offers itself up full of surprises. It is a way to get to know ourselves, and by loving who we are, we are able to act from love and offer others its healing power.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Khalil Gibran

PHIL: I think many men struggle with the idea of love. I know I have. I used to think of it as this grand black and white forties Hollywood passion, and sure enough, that’s what I found at the start of a relationship, but as you know, that wears off, and I found myself back in the real world, wondering where love had gone. Again and again.

I didn’t have any use for the word “love” outside this context. It was after meeting Maude that my understanding of the word changed.

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To celebrate this season of love, we are offering "How Two: Have a Successful Relationship" as a free eBook through the end of Valentines Day. This is a great opportunity to turn your friends on to our message of peaceful relationships. Click here for your free book.


Successful Relationship Reading Corner

In this week's blog we wrote about celebrating the many forms of love on Valentines Day. Here are some articles you might enjoy.

The 4 Types of Love We Should All Experience "Love is so nuanced that the Ancient Greeks separated it into four different types. I firmly believe that experiencing all four types of love within someone’s life is important for spiritual growth and emotional happiness."

Different Types of Love "Most of the times, love is mistaken to be linked romantically only. And when this happens, people often fail to comprehend that love has a myriad of hues than just that. There are different types of love that people experience in life and each time they experience a particular type of love, they realize its existence in the world."

History of Valentine’s Day "The history of Valentine’s Day–and the story of its patron saint–is shrouded in mystery. We do know that February has long been celebrated as a month of romance, and that St. Valentine’s Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. But who was Saint Valentine, and how did he become associated with this ancient rite?"

Spreading peace one relationship at a time
Phil and Maude
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