Spreading Peace One Relationship at a Time We talked about sex, intimacy and union in our last blog. One of the keys to experiencing the kind of intimacy that unites a couple is spending time in
your sacred space together. In the early stages of your relationship there were times when you came together and exulted in the sheer pleasure of being with the other person. We call this a sacred space. What do we mean? Sacred space is not a physical location. It is a special time and a special way for the couple to spend time with each other. It is something that needs to be done daily or as often as possible in a relationship. Read more by clicking here.
Successful Relationship Reading
In this week's blog article we wrote about sacred space. Here are some articles that touch on various aspects of this topic.
Spend Time with your Partner for Relationship Success "Research has shown that one of the major reasons that relationships fail is due to lack of time spent together. Spending time with your partner is like saving money for a rainy day. Every time you and your partner spend some time together you are shoring
up the relationship against the times that you will hit a bump."
The Policy of Undivided Attention "many couples [make] the argument that it's impractical. But in the end, they usually agree that without time for undivided attention, they cannot re-create the love they once
had for each other."
5 Simple but Often Forgotten Ways to Keep a Relationship Strong "Quality time is essential. Whether you are in a long-distance relationship or just live a busy life with full-time jobs
and outside activities, you may not be able to spend as much time as you’d like with your loved one. Do something fun together, do something meaningful, have meaningful conversations, pay attention to each other, and express your love like crazy."
Thank you all for your feedback on these cover designs. We liked the left one most, but many people chose the middle one because they liked how the clasped hands communicated what the book is about. We're going with that and getting the font for the
title changed.
Spreading peace one relationship at a time, Phil and Maude If you are interested in newsletters you've missed, see our archive. |