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Spreading Peace One Relationship at a Time
Many people write about conflict in relationships: how it’s bound to happen, how it’s better than letting things stew, how to fight fairly, how you must counterbalance it with good aspects of the relationship.

But here’s the thing: we don’t experience this at all. Ever. Not in eleven years. And we’re not sitting on a volcano of suppressed complaints. This is absolutely, categorically the case. We’ve spent more than a decade examining this, and our conclusion is that in a committed relationship, as long as core values are aligned, such a state is available to nearly everybody.

Book Report
Fanfare please!

The final proof is in. The headshots are here. The book blog tour is being arranged. The book launch is set!

The print and ebook will be available On May 3rd 2016.

The ebook will be $7.95, but we're happy to announce that before release, you can pre-order it for only $3.95 starting April 15th. We'll announce details soon.

You're hearing it here first. Let everyone know.

Successful Relationship Reading Corner
This week's blog was on whether relationships have to have conflict. The prevailing belief is that they do; we say absolutely not. It's been a bit of a stretch to find links to share with you, but here are some articles to consider.

14 Ways to Resolve Conflicts and Solve Relationship Problems "When problem-solving everyday issues becomes a tug-of-war over who’s right and who’s wrong, then settling even the smallest of discussions becomes a battle. “A better alternative is what I call the win-win waltz,” says marriage expert Susan Heitler, Ph.D., author of The Power of Two. “We toss information back and forth, we have an ‘aha!’ moment, and we come up with solutions that work very well for both of us.”"

Is a Conflict Free Marriage Possible? "Even those who presume that a conflict-free long-term relationship is unachievable are interested in reducing conflict and increasing harmony in their unions."

The 8 Top Secrets Of Couples That Don’t Fight (Often...At Least) "You know you’ve seen those couples that seem like they never fight. Even though they annoy the poop out of you, you wonder how do they do it?! What is their secret to success? Well, I’ve got news for you. There isn’t one answer and there’s no mystery behind their non-arguing magic. They simply work at it."

Spreading peace one relationship at a time,
Phil and Maude
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