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Successful Relationships Are Celebrated Every Day

We try to honor our birthdays and anniversaries by getting away and taking time to step back, reflect on what has been created and what is to come. We are at a wonderful Airbnb in Joshua Tree celebrating our 12th anniversary of meeting. “Anniversary of meeting”, you ask. “Didn't you celebrate your wedding anniversary back in September?” Well, yes we did. Guilty as charged. As a matter of fact, we celebrate our union all the time.

Lovely and refreshing as these getaways are, there is a sense that they are not special, out of the ordinary acknowledgments of our relationship, because we do that every day. There is no discontinuity, no picking up threads that have been dropped, because we live our lives in the constant appreciation of each other, whether we are together or apart. We live in a state of grace and gratefulness for each other, and our time together is a quiet celebration of that.

We are sure that celebrating your relationship every day will contribute greatly to your relationship success. The longer that people are together, the easier it becomes to take each other for granted. People tend, on the whole, to become used to what is constant, and often not to actually see or notice that which is familiar and known. Strangely, this is even more the case with things that are going well or don't present us with problems to solve.

Click here to find out how you can do this differently.

Kit and Kat tell Joseph not to take his partner for granted.


Successful Relationship Reading Corner

This week we discussed celebrating your relationship in our blog. Here are some articles for your consideration:

8 Ways to Celebrate Your Husband (or Wife). Tonight! "A friend recently called to tell me that it had taken her a week to notice that her husband shaved off his beard. When she realized how different he looked without facial hair, she was distraught. 'What does that say about our relationship that I didn't notice,' she asked me. 'Do I ever really look at him?'"

Celebrate Your Relationship - 3 Evolutionary Ways For Men "When you notice other couples who you admire and would like to have what they have, what do you notice? Do you see a couple who are comfortable with themselves and each other or do you see a couple at odds? Are they happy and at ease in each other's company or is their energy kind of jangly? I will go out on a limb here and say, I bet they have discovered the importance of celebrating (and evolving) their relationship."

23 Ways to Celebrate Your Marriage "'It's not the traditional stuff — the big dinner out once a year, or even the regular Saturday-night dates — that pulls you together and bonds you,' says Constance Ahrons, Ph.D. 'It's little bits of time stolen together and small, frequent gestures that remind you of what you have in common and your commitment to each other.'"

Spreading peace one relationship at a time
Phil and Maude
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