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Why Being All In is Important for Your Relationship

Maude came up with the phrase “all in” the other night, and that simple phrase crystallized how we experience our relationship.

You’ve probably been in a conversation with someone who keeps checking his cell phone. “Uh huh, I’m listening.” Or you’ve worked on a project with someone who doesn’t pull their weight because – oh, they always have a reason, but after the nth time, they start sounding like excuses. Or it’s the worker who does a sloppy job, even though she’s capable of so much more.

What’s missing in these cases? They’re not all in, and it shows.

When you bring your full attention to your partner, when you are all in, both of you benefit immensely. For us, this phrase describes the deepest aspect of our union with each other. It includes our physical, mental and spiritual presence.

So click here to be all in.


Successful Relationship Reading Corner

This week in our blog we discussed how being all in helps your relationship. Here are some articles discussing this topic.

Are You Fully Present in Your Relationship or Marriage? "You know that feeling you get when you’re talking to your partner or spouse and they don’t seem to be “there there?” By that, I mean, a part of them is somewhere else, and it’s not with you. You might wonder where their mind is, or feel insulted or hurt that they’re not being fully present in your company."

Are You Being Fully Present In Your Relationship? "Being fully present in a relationship – how hard is that? Is it too much of an ask for a generation that boasts of being busy, being multi-taskers and virtually connected all the time? We take pride in “being busy” so much so that being busy has become a confirmation of our worthiness. A relationship sometime gets lost in our long “to-do” list."

In The Moment: Staying Present in Your Relationship "IMAGINE AN ELDERLY COUPLE, hand in hand, strolling through your local farmer’s market. The sweetness, the gentleness, the blissfulness inevitably prompt thoughts of, I want that someday. An eagerness to dream about a relationship’s future— or similarly, to dwell in its past— steers us from enjoying the moment. The kind of timeless moment you witnessed the elderly couple having as they strolled through the market."

Spreading peace one relationship at a time
Phil and Maude
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