Successful Relationship Reading Corner In this week's blog, we wrote about the actual experience of peace in relationships. Here are two articles and a video that shed light on this topic.
What Does Peace Mean? Peace means different things to different people and cultures. Columbian College faculty members from a cross section of disciplines were asked to define what peace means to them. Here’s how they responded.
Peace, True Love.... and Cryptography (the video above) Turing Award winner Martin Hellman, along with his wife Dorothie, discuss their book, “A New Map for Relationships: Creating True Love at Home & Peace on the Planet,” and how they went from being madly in love at first, to heading for divorce, then madly in love again--explaining how the same lessons they had to learn in their marriage can help avert worldwide catastrophes such as global warming and nuclear war. We have this book and recommend it, and will be doing a Friday Feature on it.
Meditate and Experience Wholeness "Through superconscious meditation, we are able to guide our attention and awareness to consciously rest in our essential, unbounded, spiritual nature—that which is full, whole, and complete. The experience we have of our essential nature is the experience of inner peace. This inner peace is the peace of the soul, which is whole; it is sufficient unto itself."