Successful Relationship Reading Corner
In this week's blog we discussed what a successful relationship looks like, and we've found some great articles that complement our post.
Relationship Rules "Human beings crave intimacy, need to love and be loved.... Yet people have much trouble doing so. From many sources and many experts, I have culled some basic rules of relationships. This is by no means an exhaustive list. But it's a start. Print them out and pin them up on your refrigerator door. I won't test you on them—but life will."
10 Ways to Create a Strong, Intimate Relationship "It took years for me to realize a relationship is not a romance movie.... At some point I grew up and learned to let go of the crazy metaphor of romantic love in order to find true happiness.... So then, how do we make relationships work and stay happy?"
7 Keys to Long-Term Relationship Success "Most of us want to meet and settle down with the “right” person, and most of us want such a relationship to last.... What are some of the most important ideas when it comes to making your love last?"