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Be Creative With Your Relationship Problems

We are often asked if we don’t really fight, sometimes at least; if there aren’t times and places where we compromise to get peace in our relationship or yield to our partner to make them feel good. They ask “No storms?” or wonder if we’re suppressing our feelings.

We must say no, we do not. We don’t ever argue, or fight, we don’t compromise, or take turns giving something up to get peace in our relationship. It’s due to how we interact when we disagree on something or have a decision to make. We have a method we call Our Process which is is both simple and startling in its effectiveness. It is one of the most important tools we use to create mutual solutions and find new and exciting ways to act together and express our union.

The first part of practicing this process, and probably one of the most important, is the state of mind with which you start. Think of it like a creativity session, one you approach as an adventure – one with an unknown outcome. Enter with “empty mind”. 

Click here to fill your mind with our process.

Click here to hear Phil reading the full blog.

Get a FREE eBook

We'll be offering the eBook of “How Two: Have a Successful Relationship” free for FIVE DAYS starting on October 19th. It's a great opportunity to read an in-depth description of Our Process.

Mark your calendar and make sure you take advantage of this FREE offer.

Click here on October 19th.

Successful Relationship Reading Corner

BookshelfIn this week's blog, we write about the fundamental requirement for finding mutual decisions and solving problems in relationships. These links are about how couples can deal with relationship problems.

Equal Partnerships: What Do They Really Consist Of? "When you see some couples that seem happier, more balanced and equitable than others, do you ever wonder: What do they know that I don’t? Is it chemistry, destiny, or luck that creates such stability between them?"

14 Ways to Resolve Conflicts and Solve Relationship Problems "When problem-solving everyday issues becomes a tug-of-war over who’s right and who’s wrong, then settling even the smallest of discussions becomes a battle. “A better alternative is what I call the win-win waltz,” says marriage expert Susan Heitler, Ph.D., author of The Power of Two. “We toss information back and forth, we have an ‘aha!’ moment, and we come up with solutions that work very well for both of us.”"

The Art of Solving Relationship Problems "Unsettled problems are a major source of stress, stress that can not only undermine your relationship, but your diabetes management as well. Research has shown that successful relationships are not those that necessarily have fewer problems, but those that have found effective means of solving the problems that come up. Here is a 6-step process for tackling and solving those problems in your relationships."

Spreading peace one relationship at a time
Phil and Maude
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