How to Bring Joy to Relationship Problem Solving

We were at a wedding and were captivated by two children playing. They were so filled with joy and the obvious pleasure of being together. Joy is such an important element in relationships, too. It’s easy to find it in the good times, but it tends to vanish when problems loom. This doesn’t have to be the case.
When you sit down with your partner to make a decision or to solve a problem, it is possible to do it from a place of joy. It is very important to come from an open mind, and one that is not full of preconceptions. And it is just as important to start out, right from the beginning, with the attitude that the two of you are going to have fun together.
The more you can approach this from a place similar to the way these two children do, the better. (We’ve written about our process for doing this, and you can get a free copy by signing up at the right.) Over time, as you accumulate the positive experiences that will occur through applying this process, this joyous attitude will become more and more natural. So remember, the outcome is an unknown. The only thing you know for sure is the results will be something the two of you have created together, and it will be mutually satisfying, giving you a stronger sense of your union. We have practiced this for years and it is still a breathtaking and magical experience each time!
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