Successful Relationships Reading Corner

In our blog this week, we wrote about why you need to know your core values in a relationship. Here are some other writers on that topic, complete with their own lists of potential core values.
When a ‘deal breaker’ really isn’t. Knowing what’s important in a relationship “Imagine your ideal mate. What would he or she look like? Do for a living? Be passionate about? Now imagine who that person wouldn’t be. What characteristics would immediately shoot up a red flag and have you hightailing it in the other direction? In relationships, our reactions to deal breakers can be just as strong — sometimes stronger — than our reactions to the romantic moments that pepper the honeymoon phase…”
Relationship Deal-Breakers and Preferences Aren’t the Same Thing “When it comes to dating, anyone in the game has a line in the sand that, once broached, immediately triggers the relationship to implode. What I’m referring to, my friends, is a deal-breaker. It’s something you could never live with.”
How Personal Core Values Can Sabotage or Save your Relationship “You thought you were in love. You had all of the symptoms. Now, no matter what you do, you can’t quiet that voice that says “There is something missing.” Does any of this sound familiar? If it does, it can be because of a difference in core values between you and your partner.”
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