Successful Relationships Reading Corner

This week, we wrote that adapting to change is the skill we will need to cultivate. Here are some articles with ways to handle that.
Flexibility in the Midst of Crisis “In recent days, we’ve been inundated with recommendations for how to stay healthy in the midst of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. … However, a large part of emergency preparedness has been entirely overlooked. Being prepared is not only about having enough water or medication to ride out several weeks of quarantine—we need to be prepared psychologically as well.”
3 ways the coronavirus pandemic is changing who we are “I am a psychologist who studies human motivation and its impact on what we feel, how we think and what we do. I see that little by little, the stressful external forces this pandemic unleashed are exerting a deep internal effect. Little by little, they are changing who we are and how we relate to people and the world. The pandemic affects our psyches three ways: It influences how we think, how we relate to others and what we value.”
The Value of Psychological Flexibility During a Pandemic “The COVID-19 pandemic, and our response to it, has foisted considerable uncertainty into the personal and professional lives of humans… Fortunately, a construct from the behavioural-change sciences with documented links to human health and well-being may prove useful in navigating the COVID-19 storm: psychological flexibility.”
The levels of flexibility required right now should qualify all of us as yoga experts!