Successful Relationships Reading Corner

In this, the first blog of the new year, we each wrote about the importance of honesty in our relationship. Here are some other people writing about why this is so critical.
Why Honesty In Relationships Is Non-Negotiable & 7 Rules To Follow “Honesty is one of those things we intuitively know is a good thing, but we can really stumble a lot in trying to actually put it into practice. But when it comes to our relationships, having open and honest communication is necessary to creating a healthy, sustainable partnership. … Honesty is the quality of always speaking the truth and being totally authentic, straightforward, and transparent in our words and actions. It involves a few key practices: never lying, never hiding the truth, and never purposefully omitting or misdirecting people from the truth.”
5 Ways to Build Trust and Honesty in Your Relationship “Most of us agree that trust is an essential foundation on which to build a relationship. Despite the great things we say about being honest—that it’s “the best policy” or that “the truth shall set us free”—research tells us that we aren’t so great at it. According to studies by Bella DePaulo, people lie in one in five of their interactions. These lies aren’t only to strangers or peripheral figures—couples regularly deceive each other. DePaulo’s research showed that dating couples lie to each other about a third of the time, while married couples do so in about 1 in 10 interactions.”
7 reasons why honesty is important in relationships “Honesty is essential in healthy relationships. It has the power to build, empower and grow relationships. I will be sharing with you, what I believe are 7 reasons why honesty is important in relationships.”
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