Successful Relationships Reading Corner

This week’s blog is a review of and the article we wrote for them on “Our Conflict-Free Relationship.” It’s hard to find articles that espouse our position directly, but these cover the important issue of communication in relationships.
Communication Between Couples: How to Communicate in a Relationship “Most people have never learned how to communicate. Without this skill, a person is handicapped in an intimate relationship. Without being able to express themselves and listen to another, partners cannot achieve intimacy. By developing your communication skills, you and your partner will be able to establish and preserve a loving, respectful relationship between two people who love each other.”
The Seven Deadly Sins of a Relationship “A reader, newly married, asked me to share my tips on how to make a marriage work. I wish I had a magic formula, but here’s a simple list of tips: spend time alone together; appreciate each other; be intimate often; talk and share and give.”
How to Communicate with Your Partner without Starting a Fight “A frequent concern couples have is how to express their disagreements without starting a fight. Learning how to communicate with your partner in a way that minimizes your partner’s defensiveness and makes it possible to have a conversation and not an argument is vital to the success of any relationship. Having a conversation and having an argument are two very different things…”
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