Successful Relationships Reading Corner

In this week’s blog we wrote about why you need time apart in your relationship. We have some links about this for you.
Be Apart to Stay Together “New research shows that happy long-married couples often say their secret is, “We give each other space.” According to an unpublished study by Terri Orbuch, a psychologist and research professor at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research, having enough space or privacy in a relationship is more important for a couple’s happiness than having a good sex life.”
10 Relationship benefits of spending time away from your partner “If you are part of a couple there are many benefits alone-time can bring to your relationship. Here are some tips for how to make the most of your time with yourself in order to benefit your partnership.”
Why spending time apart is super healthy for your relationship (pdf) “The fact that you are married or committed to each other does not mean that you have to spend all your time together. This is such a common misunderstanding in many couples. They tend to believe that the fact that you spend a week holidays apart or that you have a night out with your friends are signs that something is wrong with your relationship. Not at all!”
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