Successful Relationships Reading Corner

In this week’s blog we asked if you were too snippy in your relationship. Snippiness is not a common topic, so some of these discuss contempt.
Relationship Communication: How to Talk So That Your Partner Will Listen “The guidelines for being a good listener are not just for men. These guidelines for listening and communication apply to both men and women, straight and gay, and for friendships as well. Good communication and good listening are also part of negotiating in business, as well. And, of course, rationality and problem-solving are also important.”
My boyfriend gets this impatient tone “Dear Cary, I really don’t want to say it out loud, but is kind of a stay-or-go issue. It’s about the way my boyfriend talks to me. A few times a day he gets this impatient tone in his voice that I find disrespectful and offensive. We have been together four years, and this has bothered me from the beginning. I tend to be a very sensitive person, especially in relationships, and when he has this tone, I can feel myself turning into myself and closing up.”
Overcoming Hostility, Criticism and Contempt in Your Relationships This article gives a large number of examples of people expressing contempt and hostility, and gives solutions to handle this behavior.
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