Successful Relationships Reading Corner

In this week’s blog, Phil wrote about the importance of belief and intention in a relationship, and here are some articles on that. Maude wrote on this subject the previous week, so last week’s reading corner also covered this area.
9 Relationship Mantras to Keep the Peace “When we attack, we cannot love. The intent of these relationship mantras is to lighten the drama and inspire more peaceful interactions.”
Redefine Relationships Through Peace and Authenticity This post draws from “The Power of Intention” by Dr. Wayne Dyer “Being peaceful and authentic can define your relationship with your relatives. First, though, you may have to assess your relationship with the closest relative of all – you. How others treat you, you’ll discover (if you are brave and honest!) has a lot to do with how you treat yourself and thereby teach others to treat you.”
20 Life Skills to Keep Peace in Your Relationship “It is inevitable that in every relationship there are going to be differences, and everyone has days when their emotions can get the better of them. The problem is not that we have differences in our relationship, the problem lies in the way we handle those differences.”
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