Successful Relationships Reading Corner

In this week’s blog, we asked how commitment and presence affect your relationship. Here are two articles and a poem that we liked.
38 Ways To Really Show Up In Your Relationship “Do you show up in your relationships? Are you really, truly there for your partner, with full presence and commitment? Or do you show up simply by being physically available? If so, you may think you are “there” for your partner, though you’re missing in spirit. Odds are, you’re giving the relationship as much as you have time and energy for, but are treating your relationship as another “to-do” item in your life. Or maybe you’re just there because you don’t want to be alone.”
Love’s Deeper Commitment This is a poem by Jeff Foster that resonated for us.
The Power of Presence and How You Relate – Love or Fear? (a 2-part article) “Presence is pure power as it also holds limitless possibilities for personal and relational healing and transformation. It is present moments that offer opportunities in which you can, if you choose, stretch out of old comfortable places.”
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