Successful Relationship Reading Corner

In our blog article on How to Avoid Loss of Intimacy, we emphasize prioritizing spending time together. Here are some articles that also speak to this topic.
Spend Time with your Partner for Relationship Success “Research has shown that one of the major reasons that relationships fail is due to lack of time spent together…. Every time you and your partner spend some time together you are shoring up the relationship against the times that you will hit a bump.”
Make time for your partner “According to a study by the Creighton Center for Marriage and Family, time is one of three problematic issues for couples in the first five years of marriage… Building “couple’s time” into your schedule can result in huge changes in how happy you are in your relationship.”
The importance of couples spending quality time together “As resentment and disconnect infiltrate marriages, feelings of loneliness emerge and couples perceive that they have suffered a great loss — their best friend,”
Time Together “I’m convinced that the single biggest contributor to the breakdown in relationships today is the fact that couples aren’t spending enough time together…. Everything else seems more important – careers, children, hobbies, community involvement, and personal pursuits. And when relationships aren’t attended to as they should be, trouble sets in.”
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