Successful Relationships Reading Corner

In this week’s blog, we asked why are core values important in your relationship? Here are some articles that deal with core values, including an exercise to help determine them.
The key for a successful relationship: Aligned values “Aligned values are one the most important things in any relationship. Whether it is with your life partner or business partner, aligned or misaligned values will define the success or failure of a relationship from day one. I like to visualise this as a pyramid, where at the very top you have your values, and below that, you have your life vision, then your objectives, and then at the bottom, your interests.”
What Core Values Mean to Love “Core values form the foundation on which we live and conduct ourselves. When we’re in alignment with our core values, we know the direction our life is heading and what’s important to us. We experience more peace, self confidence and well-being. Without core values, we find ourselves drifting from relationship to relationship or staying in unhealthy relationships and never really feeling fulfilled.”
Live Your Core Values: 10 Minute Exercise to Increase Your Success “Our core values are the true representation of our authentic selves. Unfortunately, our authenticity is not always what we present to the world. The bright beacon of core values may dim under clouds other people and circumstances cast over them. That is why it is important to know and stand firm on what your core values are. … It doesn’t take years of soul searching and self-reflection to find your core values. The following exercise can help you start living your best life according to your core values in 30 minutes or less.”
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