Successful Relationships Reading Corner

This week’s blog was on alienation within your relationship, and what you can do about it. Some articles around that topic:
Rekindle Emotional Intimacy in Your Relationship “Emotional distance is one of the primary complaints of couples that come to my office for marriage counseling. While I think it’s normal for romantic love to wax and wane over time, it’s very uncomfortable to lose that loving feeling for your partner.”
Bridging Emotional Distance “Emotional distance in a relationship can feel like a descent into quicksand: slow and seemingly unstoppable…. Often, you can avoid sinkholes in your relationship merely by watching where you step. Know the communication styles that cause your partner to automatically tense up or withdraw.”
3 Signs Your Relationship is in Trouble “In all relationships there are ebbs and flows; times when you feel closer and times when you feel more distant. You may go through periods when things are going well, and then find yourselves stuck in conflicts and misunderstandings. Recognizing that there are problems is the first step toward finding out what you need to do “
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