Successful Relationships Reading Corner

This week’s blog was on balancing intimacy and individual time, and we have some good articles on that this week:
Relationship Success: Balancing Togetherness and Individuality “A client of mine — during our initial consultation — said the following: “Here’s my issue. When I’m in a relationship, I invest so much of myself into maintaining romance and intimacy that I forget who I am as an individual. How can I balance my personal identity with my identity as a couple?”
Balancing Time Together vs. Apart “But if you think you want to try to have a happier, more satisfying experience of a relationship with another person, it might be worth considering: What kind of time do you need alone? What kind of time do you want together? How can you let the other person know what you need/want?”
Surprise! The REAL Secret To A Great Marriage … Is Time Alone “Stop the presses! We’ve discovered the most important ingredient of a successful marriage! And do you know what it is? The answer is . . . (drum roll, please) . . . alone time!”
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