Successful Relationships Reading Corner

This week, we wrote about treasuring the bond at the core of your relationship. These articles discuss how to find that bond and foster it.
Ten Elements of Effective Relationships “The other day, a friend pointed out that I very often write from the perspective of what people are doing wrong, as opposed to what they are doing right. Well, here are some things that I have found to be effective elements in a successful relationship; the right stuff.”
5 Boundaries That Actually Bolster Your Bond in Your Marriage “We think of boundaries as keeping us away from our spouses, as creating distance, as thinning and weakening our bond. But boundaries—healthy boundaries—can actually strengthen our connection and bolster our relationship with our partner.”
14 Secrets to a Great Relationship “Below I share 14 of the underlying behaviors of partners who not only stay together, but get closer and more committed to each other over time. Praise yourself if you already practice them in your relationship, but don’t disparage your own efforts even if some of these are missing.”
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