Successful Relationships Reading Corner

In this week’s blog, Maude writes about how she is coping in these turbulent times. Here are some articles on how people around the world are doing, and some advice on handling life with the Coronavirus.
RESILIENCE: Coping During COVID-19 “Feeling apathetic and exhausted lately? Prefer to crawl into bed instead of getting on another video call? You’re not alone! Living through a mass event like COVID-19 means experiencing emotional highs and lows, and these don’t always remain consistent. Research shows that there is a pattern that emerges when communities experience a major disaster. The graphic below might look familiar. At the beginning of the pandemic we experienced moments of joy and heroism, as residents clapped for healthcare workers from their balconies and showed up in unprecedented ways for one another. We saw our community join forces to face this challenge head on. Physiologically, our bodies responded with an increase of endorphins as we came together urgently to fight a crisis. But six months later, it’s likely we’ve entered the disillusionment phase.”
Coping with coronavirus around Colorado | Your personal stories “The coronavirus pandemic has left us all in uncharted waters, with no horizon in sight. But with businesses and schools closed, national pastimes on hold, and the traditional flow of life ground to a halt, one thing’s for sure: We’re carrying on. With new worries and “social distancing” habits, but also with new perspectives and priorities. We’re sharing several of your personal stories.”
Coronavirus: Your lockdown stories revisited “When the world began to shut down to try and control coronavirus, we interviewed many of you to see how you were coping. Now, we’ve gone back to ask: how did you change during lockdown, and what did you learn?”
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