Successful Relationships Reading Corner

This week, we asked how can we use the differences in our relationships to inspire us? Here are some articles that share positive ways of relating to differences.
How to Stay Together When You Are Different From Each Other “The strongest relationships are the ones in which both partners can be themselves. Intending to change the other person or dramatically changing yourself to fit someone else’s ideals dooms couples to failure. When two people have beliefs or habits that differ too much, it creates friction. For example, if one partner is devoutly religious and the other is an all-out atheist, it might be difficult for the couple to find common ground on the way that the universe functions. When a neat-freak has to put up with the habits of a slob, there will be arguments. Opposites may attract, but they don’t always have staying power.”
Unity Quotes & Diversity Sayings To Help Us Stand Together “We can learn a great deal from the unity we create in our relationships that we can translate to many other areas of our lives. As we practice a sense of togetherness, we can start to see how these skills can be to our benefit as well. Here are some inspirational unity quotes that will hopefully encourage you to practice it in your daily life. You will see how these thoughts apply not only to your personal relationships but to all your interactions with others.”
How to Build Relationships across Difference “At a recent retreat I facilitated focused on social change, a diverse group of people gathered, from company and foundation executives to grassroots activists and public housing residents. Their goal? To confront their own biases, form relationships across differences, and start to rebuild trust in their community. In our politically polarized society, the authentic conversations they had about race, religious differences, and our country’s often painful history were rare, courageous, and transformative.”
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