Successful Relationships Reading Corner

This week, we wrote about making service a core value in your relationships. Here are some interesting articles on how to incorporate acts of service into your relationships.
Acts of Service Love Language Explained & Examples “The Acts of Service Love Language is all about showing love through actions. It’s not just about doing the laundry or making dinner – it’s about the intentionality behind those actions. It’s the idea of taking something off your partner’s to-do list, simply because you care. It’s about stepping up and taking the initiative to recognize and address your partner’s needs without being asked. This love language doesn’t prioritize grand gestures or expensive gifts. Rather, it emphasizes small, practical actions that simplify your partner’s life”
In Service to Each Other “I know that Ari loves me, and even when he is away from home traveling for business a lot, I know he loves me. But knowing that he loves me and experiencing his love are very different. We have worked out a method that has been good for us over the busy years of raising kids and raising our business. We choose a block of time, a few hours during the day on a weekend, or an entire evening, where we will not be disturbed by children or telephone, and we turn off all tech devices. We make a clear agreement to be in service to each other the entire time.”
The Importance of Supporting Each Other in a Relationship “Being supportive does not mean doing anything for your partner that makes us uncomfortable. It doesn’t also necessarily mean that we need to try and solve other people’s issues. Part of being supportive is to be really present and a good listener, to not constantly stand in judgment and actually have a sincere and caring disposition. To really hear and understand what the other person is communicating and not allowing our own stuff to get in the way. When someone truly loves and supports you, they will challenge you, stand beside you when you need them and give you space to be yourself and grow as a person.”