Wavy Gravy Spreads Peace in the World

Well I’m feeling particularly uplifted today after having watched the Wavy Gravy video – Saint Misbehavin’. Wavy Gravy is a truly inspiring guy, who has found a personal and unique way of doing service and spreading peace in the world. As those of you who have read our book know, our goal is “to be part of spreading peace on Earth between people.” p. 12 Secrets…
Wavy Gravy has found a way of doing this through humor, laughter and love, as he goes about bringing goodness to children and adults around the globe. His work at Camp Winnarainbow shows us what is possible when peace is your underlying goal. I am still smiling and feeling empowered today after having watched this video last night. I can’t recommend it enough to all of you. Take some time and walk in the wonderful world created by this unique shining soul!