Understanding the quality of uniqueness holds a key for peaceful relating. There is only one of each person. That means that each of you has contributions and insights and ways of being to offer that can only come from you, and the same for each other person.

You can move towards the goal of creating peaceful relationships through a firm belief in the possibility and a clear intention to do so, especially with those with whom you share matching core values. You are also able, by working on yourself, to greatly affect the dynamic of any interaction.

MAUDE: The heat has been unusually excessive here (yes, climate change) and after a while it leads to everyone feeling a bit cranky. This irritability, something that rarely pops its head up between Phil and me, had us at odds …

How You Solve Disagreements in Your Relationships by Looking at Values Read more »

Last week we celebrated our wedding anniversary by going up to Scotts Valley and visiting the Redwoods. We stayed in a great AirBnB set apart on a lovely big property in the woods and had a wonderful four days. On …

Why You Benefit From Both Separation and Connection in Your Relationships Read more »

A friend of mine was living with a man who traveled regularly for work. Whenever he returned home, there was a strange disconnect in the air for a day or so. It was only after they separated that she discovered …

You Need to Accept Each Other and Look for Values Without Projections Read more »