Phil and Maude’s Favorite Blog Photos of 2022

Following the tradition we began last year, here are our top 12 favorite photos from the blogs of 2022. Click on each one to see it full-size, or click on the link below it to read the blog or hear Phil reading it to you.
How to Greet the Differences in Your Relationships as Blessings
How Does Trust Grow and Support Non-Interference in Your Relationship?
How to Find Peace and Harmony in Your Relationships Through Mutual Solutions
How Can We Use the Differences in Our Relationships to Inspire Us?
How can you improve your relationships through simple physical contact?
How to Experience Peace as a Living Reality in Your Relationships
Why it is Important to Set an Intention for Peace in Your Relationships
How Can Relationship Differences Lead to Peace, not Anger or Resentment?
Do You Want to Improve Your Relationships? Work on Yourself First!
How Hard is it to Have Harmony in Your Relationships?
How it Helps to Remember You’re on the Same Side in Relationships
How Individuality and a Sense of “We” Can Coexist in a Relationship
Photo credits: Various. Click on the link and scroll down for the individual credits. (You can read the blog and listen to it, too!)
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Wonderful. Gratitude for the lives we lead and the people in them. I look forward to your photo review in 2023.
Thank you, Jane! Glad you are here with us!
Sweet Phil and Maude,
Thank you for this visual feast on this first day of 2023.
May this year bring you continued and enhanced peace, love, harmony, and joy.
Love always,
Dear Jinjee,
Thank you for your lovely comment!
with love M & P
#IDWP We are honored to be featured in Phil Mayes and Maude Mayes blog post of “favorite” photos of 2022.
This is a perfect year to participate in the international effort to raise #GlobalPeaceConsciousness
Every action, no matter how small, that is directed toward the advancement of justice, the promotion of equality, the elimination of suffering and disease, the promotion of education and knowledge, the elimination of gender, racial, ethnic and sexual animosity, the cultivation of love and harmony, among other things of a similar positive nature, contributes to peace.
In fact, every thought in that direction is a contribution.
Keep peace in our hearts and minds.
I Declare World Peace.
Lawrence R. Gelber
I am so thankful to receive your insights every week. They really do help me grow. Have a blessed New Year!
Thank you for that! We are so happy to know that the blogs help and stimulate growth.
again, thank you
Delightful to receive this! I also enjoyed not only the angel, but all the reflecting Phils in the first picture. The pure joy which I assume is a grandchild on both your faces is priceless.
It is going to be a great 2023!
So much gratitude for both of you.
Love, Catherine
A scrumptious visual feast