Let’s Create Peace in the World, One Relationship at a Time

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PHIL: We have a peaceful relationship. We don’t quarrel, attack each other or act passive-aggressively. Magic, huh? We do this through trust, acceptance and choosing to live peacefully. Our values are aligned so we can always find a point of agreement.
If we can do it, so can you; so can almost anybody. There is nothing special about us except that we know what brings this about and we choose to live this way.
Knowing this is possible, we try to interact with everyone peacefully. Whether friends or customer service reps, people respond differently when approached with no hint of hostility and a desire to see and understand the other person. This has to rub off, to calm them down. The vibe spreads.
Just as a panic about drones or fluoride spreads, so can positive attitudes. The news media prefer stories that invoke fear because that gets our attention and inhibits critical thinking. Instead, look for the opposite: look for love, look for connections between people. This is how peace spreads: one relationship at a time.
MAUDE: We would like to look at peace in the world in this post, and what you personally can do to manifest it. Our postings over the last 13+ years have been about spreading peace one relationship at a time. We write about one-on-one relationships and how two people can actually experience peace within those relationships.
We experience this in a number of our connections, most deeply between the two of us. We live harmoniously with humor, kindness, presence and love. Our relating is not about power or dominance. It is about support, acknowledgment, growth, pleasure and gentle communication. We have, as a result, a living experience of peace.
There are many areas of behavior that promote living in peace. You must have the intention toward this kind of relating and the belief that it is possible. Once you practice these forms of acceptance and presence, peace becomes part of the fabric of your interactions. You become ever more peaceful yourself, as much of this kind of interaction involves looking inward and learning about yourself.
As you become more peaceful and able to recognize what that is from your direct experience, your fragrance changes. You will attract and be more attracted to this kind of being and drawn to those who also desire it. You will quite naturally be spreading peace in more and more of the encounters you have.
We are inundated by the Old Media, and often social media, to believe that the world is filled up only with terrible occurrences and evil mean people. Positive reality can go viral too! Together we can change the world and spread peace one relationship at a time.
Photo credit: Original Design RC Gelber
Photo note: Christmas card from I Declare World Peace
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I love this simple message: To create peace, act and speak peacefully, EVEN WHEN TALKING ON THE PHONE TO A CUSTOMER SERVICE REP.
Sometimes the simplest solutions just don’t occur to us. To have peace, you’ve got to BE peace. To have a friend, you’ve got to be a friend. To have love, you’ve got to give love.
Worth remembering! Thanks, Phil and Maude!
Thank you so much Dan. It feels good to know we are reaching people with our message 🙂
If ever there was a powerful directive for the new year, this is it, “Our postings over the last 13+ years have been about spreading peace one relationship at a time.” Carry on, Phil and Maude
Thanks, Jeanine. Wow! We never thought of it as a directive, but it is. Thank You!!
Your writing inspires me to live more peacefully. Thank you
Wow, Donna. You have made our day! What more could we ask?!
I really appreciate the idea of making friends with the world, one person at a time. Thank you for reminding me that this requires conscious practice.
Thank you, Esther. Yes, the more we practice, the more direct experience we have.
We have that kind of relationship too. And I am grateful for it. Compatibility and spiritual experience makes it so much easier. Thank you for your reminders.
Thank you for sharing Foster. It is wonderful to hear of your relationship. Keep spreading peace in every relationship you have. We can change the world by bringing the fragrance of peace with us into our interactions!
Oh how I’m trying
That’s all any of us can do Robert!