Successful Relationships Reading Corner

In this week’s blog, we discussed the experience of being on the same side, how to recognize it weakening, and what to do about it. We found hardly any articles that focused on that experience; most write about how to return to that state, rather than how to avoid losing it.
The Fine Art of Deciding Together “Contract thinking begins with the self-absorbed idea that life owes us something — happiness, comfort, ease, whatever — and that relationships shouldn’t get in the way of us achieving these things. … By contrast, covenantal thinking begins with the idea that the bond means everything, beginning with a thankful heart and an eagerness to work with others, not around them. Covenantal thinkers don’t begin with “you and me,” but rather “we,” and they build togetherness by promising to be loyal, to work through issues, and perhaps most of all — to make decisions together.”
Solve Your Relationship Problems Once and for All “Does it seem like you have the same fights, over and over? You’re not alone. Learning to rethink how you view conflict can help couples grow closer. Then, the next step is having the right strategies in place for dealing with your problems. Here are three different ways of solving your relationship problems:”
The 7 Best Tips for Handling Anger and Resentment in Relationships “So what is the solution to dealing with resentment against your spouse and its possible escalation to anger? The solution is to channel the shock at your spouse’s behavior into empathy, to try and understand them, and to come at the situation trying to see their perspective. It’s trite to say, but that’s because it is advice which is perennial. If it were easy, no one would need to talk about it much.”
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