Successful Relationships Reading Corner

This week, we wrote about peace in our relationship and how the same principles apply in the world. Here are some very insightful articles about the importance of peace in our lives.
How to Bring Peace of Mind Into Your Day-to-Day Routine “The holiday hubbub: family gatherings, office parties, frenetic shopping, and endless eating. Between the constant conversation and the unceasing celebration, the season can overwhelm us — if we let it. Busyness and socialization can easily engulf us. However, we have a choice. We can let a busy time, crisis, or event overtake our time, attention, and balance. Or, we can thoughtfully and deliberately use small moments of peacefulness to point our hearts and brains towards an essential focus: an awareness of the present and attention to our peace of mind.”
How we can maintain our inner peace (while the world goes crazy) “Everyday, we’re confronted with people that make us angry; people that make us want to argue. You might set out with the best intentions for a day, but you spend three minutes on public transport and — boom — you’re in an expletive-fueled Twitter rant and you’re ready to burn the world to the ground…before 9 o’clock! It can be hard to maintain our cool when we’re living in a world that feels like it’s packed full of annoyances and bitter people, but it’s crucial to maintain this state for our physical and mental well-being.”
10 Ways to Have Peaceful, Loving Relationships “…this is not a post about romance. It’s about any relationship—with your brother, your mother, your coworker, or your friend. Relationships are not easy. They mirror everything we feel about ourselves. When you’ve had a bad day, the people around you seem difficult. When you’re not happy with yourself, your relationships seem to be lacking. If you’ve ever gotten in a fight only to find yourself wondering what you were really upset about, this post may help you.”
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