Successful Relationships Reading Corner

This week, we wrote about the balance between structure and spontaneity and how the latter is where life, creativity and growth occur. Here are some discussions about spontaneity in the time of Covid-19.
Has the coronavirus killed our spontaneity — or just reigned in our impulsivity? “The group text read: “Let’s barbecue on my back porch tonight.” It was a simple message, but full of meaning: An end to the worst of the COVID-19 lockdown, a return to life as we once knew it, a hope that we might indeed be able to enjoy this summer after all. But then the planning began. “Do you want to bring your own chairs?” “What about food? Should we just each provide our own?” Back and forth we all went, addressing in detail how we would manage spacing, eating, using the toilet. So much for spontaneity.”
Live in the Moment: Spontaneity Could Be Key To Happiness, Survey Suggests “They say the only constant in life is change, but many people do their best to avoid change as much as they can. Humans are naturally creatures of habit, but according to a new survey, perhaps we should all throw our day planners out the window. A recent poll of 2,000 Americans finds that people who consider themselves ‘spontaneous’ are 40% more likely to see themselves as a ‘happy person.'”
How to Keep Your Relationship Healthy During the Coronavirus Pandemic “You love your significant other, and both of you want to avoid the coronavirus involved in the global pandemic, and COVID-19, the disease it causes. So you’re isolating yourselves at home. After several weeks, you might find that all that extra togetherness is overwhelming. How do you maintain harmony and not drive each other crazy?”
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