Successful Relationships Reading Corner

In this week’s blog, we discussed why it is important not to focus on yourself in relationships. Here are some articles that discuss different elements of what changing your focus can do.
How to Be More Present for the Ones You Love (and Your Life, Too) “Failure to be present can wreak havoc on your life. It can cause you to make careless mistakes at work, putting your job or a promotion at risk. It can deteriorate your connection to those you love the most, leading to strained and broken relationships. It can prevent you from giving your children the attention they need to grow and thrive. It can prevent you from seizing major opportunities that are right in front you.”
9 Tips on How to Have More Mindful Conversations “Regular practices of mindfulness can give leaders a different perspective on their world, opening them up to ways of being which are both more focused on what matters and more observant and appreciative of what is there. Paradoxically, becoming more present through mindfulness enables leaders to see reality more clearly and act more purposefully and with less of their own stuff getting in the way.”
5 Practical Ways to be More Present With Other People “Simply put, presence is awareness. And awareness is basically attention. When we are present with other people, it simply just means that we are conscious with them and giving them our full and conscious attention and awareness. You can look at being present with another as a form of unconditional love because when you’re truly present, there are no egos, judgments, agendas, or distractions involved; just one soul being with another.”
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