Successful Relationships Reading Corner

This week’s blog is on belief and intention within relationships. Here are some articles of interest on this topic.
3 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Enter A Relationship “Recently, I did something radical; I entered into a relationship with the intention of extending love. I consciously set the goal of peace.”
How to Attract Peaceful & Nurturing Relationships “I used to think relationships had to always be hard. Full of strife, jealousy and distrust. Subject to harsh words, crossing the line, anger and resentment. And I found myself in relationship after relationship, whether friendship or romantic, that only confirmed this…. Eventually, I just couldn’t take it anymore… I wanted peace. I wanted understanding. I wanted my relationships to feel calm, nurturing and, most of all, respectful.”
Why Are Intention and Belief Important in Relationships? This is an earlier post by us (Phil and Maude) on the same subject. “You have to believe that a peaceful non-conflictual relationship is possible before you are likely to experience it…. Once you have the belief that such a form of relating is possible, you have to make it your intention to have this in your relationship.”
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