Successful Relationships Reading Corner

This week in our blog, we felt compelled to write about peace in relationships. Here are some authors writing about peaceful relationships from various angles.
How To Stop Overthinking In A Relationship “If you would like more peace of mind in your relationships and reduce feelings of anxiety, insecurity, or jealousy, then this article is exactly what you are looking for. You may be asking yourself, ‘How to stop overthinking in a relationship?'”
Enjoy four kinds of peace “When you’re at peace – when you are engaged with life while also feeling relatively relaxed, calm, and safe – you are protected from stress, your immune system grows stronger, and you become more resilient. Your outlook brightens, and you see more opportunities. In relationships, feeling at peace prevents overreactions, increases the odds of being treated well by others, and supports you in being clear and direct when you need to be.”
Wake up! The best relationships aren’t boring, that’s peace Phil and Maude say: Be sure to read beyond the beginning to get the gist of this fascinating article. “When you’re introduced to the foreign reality of a relationship that is good for you, you will also be introduced to a number of “feelings” you likely never really sat with before. And it’s no wonder you easily grow weary in search of something that’s “missing“, when it may not have anything to do with the relationship itself.”
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