Successful Relationships Reading Corner

This week, we wrote about how to make sure you keep your relationships alive. Here are some articles that discuss the sacred within relationships.
4 Truths About A Sacred Relationship “A sacred relationship is a relationship in which we are inspired to see the divine in another person, to experience oneness through the union of two. We become ready for this sacred relationship at a very particular time in our lives—a time when we awaken to the sacredness within ourselves. When you come to realize that you’re not just a body—that you are, in fact, the essence of love and truth—a deep desire to know yourself as love, and to experience love in your relationships, comes forth. And so, the desire for a sacred relationship is born”
The Importance of Sacred Space in Your Relationship “We are so often overrun by our lives. The job. The kids. The bills. The chores. The dog. Friends. Parents. Yada Yada Yada. We are working so hard to keep our heads above water and take care of all the things we feel responsible for, that others pull on us for, and the desire just to keep life moving forward. We juggle so much – it is no wonder we can be overwhelmed by the life we created! We feel we have to keep up with all of these responsibilities…. It is time to consider rebalancing…. To make the type of restructured approach that focuses more on the high value relationships we see, we must introduce the concept of sacred space.”
Re-imagining Our Sacred Relationships “Rugged individualism has served America well in some respects. It’s created many of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs and decades of economic growth. But has individualism gone too far? In fact, the science of wellbeing tells us that positive relationships are central to our ability to thrive and have a good life. Money and material goods don’t satisfy for long; meaningful relationships do. Think about it: how much happiness is available to someone who feels all alone?”