Successful Relationships Reading Corner

In this week’s blog we wrote about the three things that every person wants in their relationships: acceptance, appreciation and acknowledgement. Here is what other people have written about these, sometimes choosing slightly different A-words.
The 3As in Relationship Success: Acceptance, Appreciation, Acknowledgement “This is when being able to fully accept your lover is essential. It doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything they say, do, or believe. But you have to know that this is who they are. They are not you and for some people this can be upsetting. I know, hard to believe, but it is amazing how many people come into my office wanting me to change their partner — make them understand how incorrect they are in their beliefs and actions. This is non-acceptance at its highest form.”
How To Be An Adult in Relationships – Give The Five A’s of Love “It’s important to know that we never out grow the need to receive attention, acceptance, appreciation, affection, and allowing. Giving and receiving the Five A’s of love in your relationship with your significant other can not only bring you closer, but can reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and help fill the void created by childhood relationship trauma. Set an intention to give and receive these dimensions of love in your partnership, marriage or next dating relationship and see how this approach may help improve your relationship and how you feel.”
The 5 As of a Loving Relationship “Ask anyone to describe a loving relationship, and the answers you get will vary enormously. But some things pop up again and again. For David Richo in his book ‘How to be an Adult in Relationships’, there are five key elements that all healthy relationships need attention, acceptance, appreciation, affection and allowing. I love discussing these with clients and exploring how each are showing up in their relationship.”