Successful Relationships Reading Corner

Successful Relationships Reading Corner

This week, we wrote about why peaceful relationships depend on what you do and don’t do. Here are some other posts we’ve written where we talk about the choices you make.

Chance or Choice? This is a short piece written over a dozen years ago and yet the message is still the same! “But it’s not what we are, what lottery tickets we have drawn, so much as what we do. It’s not a found thing, it’s an intentional thing. If you want a passionate, peaceful relationship, you don’t find it by looking, you find it by bringing passion and peace to the table.”

It’s Important to Know You Can Choose Peaceful Relationships “Peace on the other hand, is just a concept or a word to many people. It has not yet become an experience, a visceral reality. It has the element of fantasy to some, or something that is far off and distant to others. And it will remain so if you do not make it a part of how you live and conduct your deep relationships. Phil and I know that this is possible, and what we want to share is that there is a choice to be made. There is nothing wrong with feeling bad, but when you are consciously or unconsciously attracted and prone to dwelling in negativity, that is a choice. You can choose peace, you can create peace in your own life. There are many aspects to how, and those are the topics of our posts. The real deciding factor is to make the choice to move in that direction, realize you can, and keep choosing it each time you are confronted with a decision.”

3 Things That Every Person Wants in Their Relationships “Conflicts start with differences. Everyone is different, and it can irk you like a mosquito bite. Why do they do it that way? Why aren’t they ready? How untidy! But alongside differences are similarities: we’re all human, we all eat and talk and yearn, and in these basic ways, we are all equal. So they have as much right to their choices of how to act as you do (axe murderers excepted), and, to use another “A” word, you should grant them autonomy in their conduct. And this is how you reach acceptance.”

The Importance of Sharing Your Truth in Relationships “You can avoid this kind of separation in your connections by first learning your truth. For some people that is clear, while for others it is a process that requires active inner work to find. Once you know it, you will need to find the proper time, language, and tone of voice to communicate that truth. You can just blurt it out without thinking about these things, but that is rarely successful.”

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