The Truth of the “We” at the Core of Relationships

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A core aspect of our relationship is the “We”. And yet we are each separate individuals.
Herein lies a paradox we referred to in last week’s blog about seeing differences as an asset. As well as making the “we” central in our relationship, to be an unquestioned baseline, it is also necessary for us to have the knowledge and experience that we are honored, respected and supported unique individuals. This allows us to be free of the need to defend ourselves or our position when discussing things or coming to solutions.
When we can relax in the knowledge that we are seen and heard, and even celebrated for our difference, then we do not experience me against you, but rather us. This is not just an idea or an intellectual understanding. It is a visceral reality that permeates our relationship with a sense of connection to each other, of the palpable love we live with each other.
This sense of loving connection and peaceful goodwill toward one another comes from our basic matching core values. We are both motivated toward fairness and desire for the good of each other, as well as a deep desire to grow as individuals.
Sometimes differences are of no consequence. One of us may want to go to a dance recital and the other is totally uninterested. If one person wants to play golf, but the other doesn’t know how and has no interest in learning, no problem: tell them to tee off. Such freedoms are fine with both of us. We are both happy to be separate and different.
It’s when a problem involves two people – how to make the mortgage payment or handle a recalcitrant child – that it becomes challenging.
The “We” is at the core of our relationship #quote #relationship #marriage #PhilAndMaude Share on XOur experience has consistently been that by exploring how we feel about the problem and by hearing the other’s feelings and ideas, we are not only telling each other what is of meaning to us, but we hear ourselves and come to understand our own voice better as well.
This can happen because of the safe arena of communication created by our joint understanding of the “we”. As a result, we know there is always a possibility where we can both agree, and it is our mutual goal to find that together.
Like Rubik’s Cube or a crossword or a corn maze, there will be frustrations en route to the solution, but as long as we are not attached to the idea of being right, these become a challenge, rather than a problem.
Magically, we always find our way to a solution that both of us feel good about because our core values match. It’s always new, something that neither of us was able to imagine at the beginning; we have created it together through our sharing.
The point we want to make here is that throughout this process, we have retained the sense of us, and so resolving the difference has been a puzzle, not a struggle.
You may have a different way of finding this “we” and defining it for each other. The important thing is to find it and to make it an unquestioned given in your relationship. This underlying understanding of that mutuality will lead you to find harmony together and will support you through all of life’s challenges. This is a key to living love. This is a key to peace.
Clearly it is total acceptance of moving through the universe as a “pair ” that is the premise for this discussion. If either being has doubts about that premise, that will surely be a difficult dynamic. Once , a couple can peacefully enter into a pair, AND agree on the WE without any individual doubt, each can proceed to reach the understanding to listen to each other and proceed through the challenge. Until there is individual certainty there will be bumps and struggles. May it be that folks can find that solidarity. Solidarity and the vision that moving through challenges as a pair will eliminate the core struggles thereby allowing each individual to be heard and received.
Yes, Iris. Thank you for your understanding. This can inform every intimate relationship, as well.
M & P
So well written, Phil and Maude, especially, “The point we want to make here is that throughout this process, we have retained the sense of us, and so resolving the difference has been a puzzle, not a struggle.”
Gateway Better Marriages – our facebook page- CREATE SOLUTIONS TOGETHER
thank you. We appreciate your feedback!
M & P