Successful Relationships Reading Corner

This week we wrote from our direct experience about practicing peace and love in a relationship. Here are some articles from professionals (and a wonderful survey) that offer a variety of advice about improving your relationship.
1,500 People Give All The Relationship Advice You’ll Ever Need “This is what I asked: anyone who has been married for 10+ years, and is still happy in their relationship . . . what lessons would you pass down to others if you could? What is working for you and your partner? Also, to people who are divorced, what didn’t work previously?”
What Makes a Relationship Work? 6 No-Fail Signs of a Strong Bond, According to a Psychotherapist “Falling in love is great, but what about your happily ever after? In order to go the distance with your significant other, it’s crucial to ask the question: What makes a relationship work? Because to be perfectly honest, the things that may be catalysts at the beginning of your journey (physical attraction, small talk, similar interests) nine times out of 10 are not the things that keep you together long-term.”
8 Ways to Make Your Relationship Work Better “Relationships that work are the ones that are worked on. If you are wondering where to begin, here are some areas that can always use a little TLC…. Every successful relationship needs the care and nurturing of two committed adults giving to each other in a way that creates a mutually beneficial connection. Giving your relationship what it needs to thrive is a truly loving gesture.”
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