Successful Relationships Reading Corner

This week, we wrote about finding mutuality in relationships. Here are some other thoughts on this topic. The first link is both academic and perceptive.
Movement Toward Mutuality “RCT suggests that constructive movement or positive change in relationship (a.k.a., growth) depends on three essential, inseparable factors: mutual empathy, mutual empowerment, and movement toward mutuality”
The 3 core skills that every person needs for healthy romantic relationships “‘We may know what a healthy relationship looks like, but most people have no idea how to get one — and no one teaches us how to do so.’ That’s what Joanne Davila, a professor of psychology and the director of clinical training at Stony Brook University in Stony Brook, New York, contends in a TEDxSBU talk”
Deciding together: Can we be strong and independent, and yet make mutually satisfying decisions as partners? “What I have witnessed in a lot of unhappy relationships is that two people come together to live a happy life but they don’t know how to establish and maintain a collaborative relationship! So, now that they are together, they bring in to the relationship, their separate individual lives with their independent decision-making styles they have had before their togetherness…”
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