MAUDE: We recently gave a course on creating harmonious peaceful relationships of all kinds, and afterward one of the participants shared a story with us on how she applied the concept of being on the same side to a difficult …

How it Helps to Remember You’re on the Same Side in Relationships Read more »

A central part of experiencing harmony and peace in relationships is understanding core values, knowing what yours are, and seeing that there are matches within your intimate relationships. It is also important to understand the connection between wants, needs and …

Why it is Important to Realize the Difference Between Wants, Needs and Values Read more »

PHIL: A New York Times opinion writer just wrote: I want to normalize significant periods of confusion, exhaustion, grief and unfulfillment in marriage. Tish Harrison Warren She referenced an earlier Times article: We need to swap the Romantic view for …

How Hard is it to Have Harmony in Your Relationships? Read more »

MAUDE: There is an incomparable pleasure to be found in seeking and creating mutual solutions. The very act of embarking down a path together where the adventure of mutuality awaits you, brings an experience of your connection to the forefront. …

Why Creating Mutual Solutions in Your Relationships Brings Peace and Joy Read more »

PHIL: Does a hydrogen molecule exist? Yes; it’s made of two hydrogen atoms and has an existence over and above its two atoms. A single hydrogen molecule in a room is not the same as two hydrogen atoms at opposite …

What are the Characteristics that Create a Sense of Peace in Relationships? Read more »