Reading Corner

Links related to the weekly posts.


This week, we asked why a positive attitude is important to reach a successful compromise. Here are some other writers on how to compromise in your relationships.

7 Ways Learning To Compromise Improves All Your Relationships “No matter the resolution of the compromise, make sure you show your appreciation to others involved. Being willing to compromise, instead of fighting until the finish, is an admirable trait. Make sure you show how much you appreciate the other person working with you to find the best solution. Take time to evaluate the solution together and express what you like about it. Being appreciative of the positive social interaction and how working together to find the best solution made you feel.”

Compromise in relationships: 12 secrets to bending instead of breaking “Compromise is an “intermediate state between conflicting alternatives reached by mutual concession. This is the positive side of compromise- when you meet in the middle. The goal is that the compromise is mutually beneficial – that you gain, not lose, through the concession. Each partner should be happy with the outcome.”

Here’s What Compromise Looks Like In A Healthy Relationship “Compromise doesn’t mean you completely agree with your partner or vice versa—it’s healthy to maintain your personal values, beliefs, opinions, and preferences while still meeting halfway. If you’re poking around the internet, you may stumble on reddit relationship advice that’s adamant that compromise is a dirty word, but healthy compromise is simply about finding a balance and bridging the gap so both partners feel heard, understood, and can agree to an effective solution. In the long run, this balance will lead to a healthier relationship and positive growth. In each relationship, both people have to determine how they want to compromise on various issues while staying true to their authentic selves. They can:
– Find a new alternative to the conflicting issue
– Find a solution that blends both people’s preferences
– Find a way for you both to maintain your preference in a peaceable setting”

This week, we asked how hard is it to have harmony in your relationships? It’s not, but many people have been led to believe it is. Here are some articles with suggestion on how you can achieve that harmony.

15 Tips to Build Harmonious Relationships “The key to an affable relationship begins with living harmoniously with yourself. As the saying goes, like attracts like. When we love and value ourselves, we do not put up with toxic partners or friends who seek to tear us down. When we love ourselves, we build bonds with others that mirror our belief that we are worthy.”

Do This to Bring Harmony to Your Relationships “Instead of taking a breath and meeting our own experience when we feel frustrated or hurt, we blame, criticize, fight, manipulate, and spend our precious time rationalizing our opinions to ourselves and everyone around us. We’ve moved away from the solo activity of being present with our experience. The effects? We’re driven to engage when we’re emotionally charged, not calm. (Not a good plan.) And our minds spin in judgment and confusion, trying to make sense of it all. Is this what you really want? Do you want to foster friction and divisiveness—or do you want to meet the people in your life with an open, loving heart and mind?”

5 Daily Principles for Loving & Harmonious Relationships “Radical integrity means you live by a strong moral compass and you are always seeking to do what is in the highest good for everyone involved. Integrity is about pure caring, compassion, and goodness; and your level of integrity is an essential factor in determining whether or not you are trustworthy (and, therefore, if you will attract the same in a partner).”

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This week, we wrote about why creating mutual solutions in your relationships brings peace and joy. We have a particular process for this, but here are some articles that talk about it from different points of view.

How to Foster Mutual Understanding with Your Partner “Avoid blaming, and focus on problem-solving. While it may seem like a perfect opportunity to use your time to speak as a way to talk about what your partner “should” or “ought” to do, this is not a forum for blaming. Avoid using labels that will simply incite anger. By coming up with possible solutions to the problem at hand, you are more likely to find mutual understanding. You and your partner are simply that—partners. When people encounter problems, it is important to focus on the possible solutions, rather than trying to prove who is wrong or right.”

How to Improve Your Relationships With Effective Communication Skills “Remember that the goal of effective communication skills should be mutual understanding and finding a solution that pleases both parties, not “winning” the argument or “being right.”

Equal Partnership Through Mutual Attunement and Mutual Decision-Making “Research denotes that couples that have mutual influence in their relationship, respect both partners’ opinions as valid, are both responsible for making final Merri-Lu Jackman Brigham Young University 1 Jackman: Equal Partnership Through Attunement and Decision-Making Published by BYU ScholarsArchive, 2020 decisions, followed by both partners supporting the decisions, experience greater connection and happiness in their marriage (LeBaron et al., 2014; Leonhardt et al., 2019; Jensen et al., 2013).”

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This week, we discussed why it is important to be honest and share your truth in relationships. Here are some other viewpoints to that topic.

Why Honesty In Relationships Is Non-Negotiable & 7 Rules To Follow “Honesty is the quality of always speaking the truth and being totally authentic, straightforward, and transparent in our words and actions. It involves a few key practices: never lying, never hiding the truth, and never purposefully omitting or misdirecting people from the truth.”

Why Honesty is Important in a Relationship “When you build something, whether it’s something like a house, a business, or a piece of software, you want to start with a solid foundation. If you don’t, you may find yourself with problems down the line because what you created can’t withstand the stress of everyday use. The same goes with building relationships, be they business, family, neighborly, or romantic relationships. A key ingredient for a solid foundation for your relationships is honesty. ”

Love and honesty: what we hide and why we lie “I want to talk about honesty and dishonesty and how it comes into play in relationships…. This is about emotional honesty – the habits and ways of being that seem small, but actually create who you are and how you form bonds with others. Because the simple act of being honest can change your life in awesome earth-shattering ways. What I’m talking about is kind of like emotional lying – it’s subtler and therefore insidious in how it hurts your life – and it’s tied a struggle with acceptance. What I hope to offer is insight into why either you are “shielding” others from the truth or why others are doing this to you. I’d also like to sell you on the amazing and powerful benefits of being honest and letting go of control. Because that practice has amazing benefits in your life. Without further ado – three parts: what why and how!”


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This week, we’ve written about the sense of connection that, while very important, is not frequently discussed. Here are a few articles that look at the connection aspect of what we wrote about.

How To Know If You Have An Emotional Connection With Someone “An emotional connection is a feeling of alignment and intimacy between two people that goes beyond just physical attraction, having fun together, surface-level conversations, or even intellectual similarities. Instead, it feels like you’re connecting on a deeper soul level—and feel secure connecting that deeply.”

9 Ways to Deepen Your Relationship “Mindfulness, in its most basic form, is a skill we all exercise when addressing the needs and wants of our children, friends and co-workers, yet many of us put those tools away when it comes to our partners—especially during times of conflict and stress. When we practice partner mindfulness, though, we’re stepping outside our own thoughts and into our partner’s, allowing us to empathize and feel what it’s like to be in his or her shoes.”

How To Feel Love: 10 Tips For a Deeper Connection In Your Relationship “After a long day at work, it’s too easy to come home and plop down in front of the television and space out. Don’t forget about your relationship, though, and don’t let your relationship get stale! These tips will help you feel love even if you’re worn out from a long day. You’ll establish a deeper connection in your relationship in no time flat!”

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