PHIL: A New York Times opinion writer just wrote: I want to normalize significant periods of confusion, exhaustion, grief and unfulfillment in marriage. Tish Harrison Warren She referenced an earlier Times article: We need to swap the Romantic view for …

How Hard is it to Have Harmony in Your Relationships? Read more »

MAUDE: There is an incomparable pleasure to be found in seeking and creating mutual solutions. The very act of embarking down a path together where the adventure of mutuality awaits you, brings an experience of your connection to the forefront. …

Why Creating Mutual Solutions in Your Relationships Brings Peace and Joy Read more »

PHIL: Does a hydrogen molecule exist? Yes; it’s made of two hydrogen atoms and has an existence over and above its two atoms. A single hydrogen molecule in a room is not the same as two hydrogen atoms at opposite …

What are the Characteristics that Create a Sense of Peace in Relationships? Read more »

PHIL: The tensions in a relationship can arise from different wants, needs or values. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a good starting point for thinking about needs. At the lowest level, there is no compromise: food, air and water are …

Why Looking at Wants, Needs and Values is so Important for Your Relationship Read more »