Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible – Virginia Satir In these strange days, where prejudices of all kinds are showing their ugly underbelly …

Why You Should Celebrate the Differences in Your Relationship Read more »

Can you avoid conflict in your relationship? Absolutely! And we don’t mean avoid as in ducking out of the room when it looms. No, we’re talking about negotiating differences without descending into recriminations, counter-attacks, hostility, hurt feelings and battle scars. …

How to Find Mutual Solutions With Your Partner Read more »

“Are there things we haven’t noticed that go into our sharing of this wonderful and conflict free experience?” asked Phil. We just cruise along, day after day, week after week, without any hint of friction or tension. It’s a wonderful …

6 Little Things That Count in Your Relationship Read more »

When your partner accepts, acknowledges and appreciates your individuality, it affords you the possibility of attaining true freedom of expression. In order for this to manifest, you have to recognize the opportunities created, and then act on them…. As you …

Are You Losing Your Individuality in Your Relationship? Read more »